A red and green trolley labeled 'The Good Enough Mine & Trolley Tours,' parked on a dirt road with old western-style buildings and trees in the background.

Historical Trolley Tour

A Trip Through Time!

Quick Details

Not what you see in the movies!

The Good Enough Trolley is a historical six-mile tour, covering over 55 landmarks in the Town of Tombstone, the Mining Districts and the Cemeteries as well as the Schieffelin Monument. A good place to start your day in Tombstone. You will see all the important sights such as the OK Corral, Bird Cafe Theater, Boothhill, the mines and much more! All in the comfort of our air-conditioned & heated trolley with nice cushioned seats for your comfort. So see the places you will never walk and see what others never get to see. The whole tour in just 45 minutes to see everything you traveled miles to see. Don’t miss anything on the Good Enough Trolley.

What You'll See On The Trolley

This is a 45-minute tour around Tombstone where you'll see 20 locations and hear descriptions of 20 others. Click any dot on the following time line to explore just six of those locations.

Goodenough Mine

St Pauls Church

Boothill Graveyard

Schieffelin Monument


Mining District
